Past Presentation Boards: Fail
Presentation boards are something I haven’t really talked about on this site and they seem like a good thing to transition into. I was looking through some of my old boards and couldn’t stop noticing really stupid mistakes that I kept making. The below...
Light Studies
I woke up this morning with an idea for a rendering using the villa I designed back in undergrad (same one used in the sketches post). I also wanted to use this time to experiment with some different lighting conditions. Primarily, how to get the back lit...
Interior Elevations Tutorial (Video)
As promised, I put together a video tutorial explaining the workflow that I use to create colored interior elevations using only Photoshop. There was a lot to go over, and I'm surprised I was able to fit it all in one 15 minute video. The steps are not difficult in...
Simple Interior Elevations
I spent some time this weekend developing some Photoshopped interior elevations in hopes of extracting a tutorial out of them for next week. We often create these types of elevations at the office for many of our clients, and the clients can't seem to...
Achitectural Collage Tutorial
A student in Chicago emailed me a while back asking how I created the back cover of my undergraduate portfolio. The image was a collage of all of my projects Photoshopped together into a single composition. As time consuming as it may look, I probably only...
I used to draw a lot when I was younger and all but stopped sometime in college. I'm not sure why, but I always find myself trying to recreate hand drawings through Photoshop. I've noticed that the workflow that I use to recreate drawings follows a similar...
Model Cleanup: Part 1
I tend to use a lot of line work generated by Sketchup models as overlays for architectural illustrations. Because of this, it's often crucial that the line work in my Sketchup models read clearly and appropriately. Before exporting the line work, there are a...
Getting Your Stuff to the Masses
I received a question on my Facebook page asking what service I used for my website. I liked the question and it made sense to devote a post on the topic. The thing is, there are so many free services available that there is no reason not to put you stuff...
Architectural Line Drawings
There is something really nice about the simplicity and clarity of an architectural line drawing. A friend of mine was showing me some old school drawings by guys like Bernard Tschum and Lebbeus Woods. It's amazing how fast drawings like these are being...
Sections Via Zorro 2
A while ago, I created a tutorial showing how to render a section only using a Sketchup image and Photoshop which can be seen HERE. That tutorial was meant as a last second resort when time was limited and a decent looking image was needed fast. However, there...
Water Reflection Tutorial (Video) Taking inspiration right out of the Bob Ross playbook, I put together this little tutorial showing a really easy and fast way to Photoshop a water reflection into an architectural illustration. You may...
Night Rendering: Water Bob Ross Style
I watched Bob Ross a lot as a kid. He was a master at simplifying painting techniques. One technique in particular was how he created reflections in water. He seemed to be able to create them with just a few brush strokes which got me thinking if I could apply...
KRob 2011
The 2011 Krob competition winners have been announced and can be seen at I found out about this competition a few years ago and have been visiting the site off and on ever since. The competition encourages unique styles of architectural...
Abstracting Dead Renderings
I'm always looking for ways to take renderings that just aren't working and turn them into something that can be used for portfolios or cover pages. This tutorial is about as simple as it gets in terms of difficulty and speed. In the example below, the initial...
Winter Special
I don't know if I'm just in the holiday spirit, but I thought I would write a post about winterizing an illustration. In essence, this tutorial takes your typical daytime rendering and turns it into a snowy winter scene, which is easier than you might think. ...