KRob 2011

KRob 2011

  The 2011 Krob competition winners have been announced and can be seen at I found out about this competition a few years ago and have been visiting the site off and on ever since. The competition encourages unique styles of architectural...
Thesis Diagrams

Thesis Diagrams

  I grabbed some of my favorite diagrams developed for my thesis project from a few years back. They actually have been living in this site under the “about me” section, but you have to dig a little to get to them. I wanted to post them because they...
Cutting Out Objects: 7 Methods

Cutting Out Objects: 7 Methods

  Over the years, I have come across many ways to extract objects out of an image. I still use most of them mainly because each method responds to certain situations where other methods won’t work. There are 7 techniques that will be explained but I’m...
Importance of Landscape

Importance of Landscape

  I put this illustration together this morning in hopes of showing how crucial landscaping is to an architectural illustration. This is something that always seems to be overlooked by a lot of students, and something I didn’t take seriously until grad...
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

  It has been way too long since I last made a post. I wrote something on this blog’s Facebook page (join it if you havn’t already HERE), but forgot to post something on the actual blog. I have been off preparing for a wedding, getting married, and...
The Textorizer & Rasterbator

The Textorizer & Rasterbator

  If you haven’t discovered them already, there are a few websites that have been around for a while that let you apply unique “filters” to images. Both are equally easy to use, and provide many parameters to adjust the final outcome. I’ll...
Portfolio Introduction

Portfolio Introduction

  Below is a quick overview of my thoughts and opinions on Architectural portfolio development. I won’t go into the more tactile possibilities of origami portfolios, lasercut plexiglass covers, etc. These are sure-fire ways to make your work stand out. However, I...