Adding Depth Via Fog

Adding Depth Via Fog

I thought I would pull another move from the Bob Ross play book. He was always great at creating depth in his paintings by saturating and darkening the elements that were closest to the viewer and then lightening the hills and mountains further off in the distance....
Exploded Axon

Exploded Axon

        I have always been intrigued by exploded axonometric illustrations. They add a kinetic aspect to what is typically very stagnate fixed objects. Even more though, I like how a successful exploded axon depends on a clear understanding of all...


  I spent this past week and weekend cramming for the LEED GA exam and luckily was able to pass it and put it behind me. Because of that, I wasn’t able to get much work done for the blog. However, I have been getting a lot of questions asking what kind of...
Building Section

Building Section

  I randomly decided this weekend that I wanted to go all out on a building section. I have been spending a little of my free time detailing an old studio project just to have some new geometry to illustrate and present on the site. I really liked some of the...
Just Playing Around

Just Playing Around

  This image is taking a bunch of the different tutorials and posts on this website and mixing them together. Notice the lawn mower stripes in the grass haha. It’s all about the details.          ...
Past Presentation Boards: Part 3

Past Presentation Boards: Part 3

  This post is continuing off of the 4 boards discussed last week. To get up to speed on what I have already done so far, read this first. For the most part, I kept the overall layout of the original presentation, however, I have been tweaking certain elements...
Past Presentation Boards: Part 2

Past Presentation Boards: Part 2

  My last post discussed some architectural presentation boards that were, for the most part, poorly organized. I wanted to go into this week’s post discussing some presentation boards that were almost up to par, but just needed some tweaking. I also...
Past Presentation Boards: Fail

Past Presentation Boards: Fail

  Presentation boards are something I haven’t really talked about on this site and they seem like a good thing to transition into. I was looking through some of my old boards and couldn’t stop noticing really stupid mistakes that I kept making.   The below...