Sold-Out Crowd

Sold-Out Crowd

  Over the weekend, I put this video together showing the work-flow of one of my final thesis renderings. Its not quite a tutorial, but still does a decent job of showing the steps I used to create the crowded atmosphere. If the video does not appear or has been...
No-Render Night Illustration

No-Render Night Illustration

  This tutorial will explain a way to create a night scene with lights, using only Sketchup and Photoshop. I typically use this style when I need to quickly light a large building with many windows. Inserting hundreds of lights though a rendering program in a...
No-Render Quick Daytime Illustration

No-Render Quick Daytime Illustration

  This tutorial will create a daytime rendering by exporting images from Sketchup to Photoshop. This means no external rendering programs are needed. This rendering is not meant to be realistic, but instead, provide an option for quick artistic renderings without...
No-Render Quick Night Illustration

No-Render Quick Night Illustration

  This tutorial will create an artistic night rendering by exporting images from Sketchup to Photoshop. This means no external rendering programs are needed saving a lot of time.   VIDEO       STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL 1: First, a view should be...