Porter Square Redesign
The Porter Square Redesign explores industrial style forms and textures and plays with narratives unique to public transportation.
The Project is located on Massachusetts Ave. and sits between Harvard Square and Davis Square in Cambridge Massachusetts. The station serves several transportation systems; Red Line subway, the Commuter Rail Fitchburg Line, and multiple bus routes.

Porter Sq. Interior
I am revisiting the Porter Square Station project because there was one more very important image that I needed to develop to finish telling this...
Porter Sq. Platform and Digital Display
I have been working hard to wrap up the illustrations for the Porter Square project with only a few more illustrations remaining. Life has been...
Porter Sq. Distant View
I was riding the bus into work last week and as it approached Porter Square, the sun was casting some amazing light accross the area. This...
Porter Sq. Axon
I started off this image as a much more simplified version with very little texture and detail. Originally, it was going to be used for diagrammatic...
Winter Special #8
I was able to squeeze in another winter special illustration before the holidays roll around. For this year, I took things really dark and played up...
Porter Sq. Section
I have been developing several illustrations for the Porter Sq project the past couple of months and have finally finished one of the section...
Moody Black and White
I recently stumbled across an article about an architecture photographer named Sajin Sasidharan and his black and white photos of Dubai. The images...
Porter Sq. At Night
Alright, I finally was able to finish up my design of Porter Square Station and therefore create a rendering revealing the new design. I kept the...
Porter Sq. Under Construction
I know, it has been a while. However, I have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes and I traveled to Vienna, Austria for the infamous D2...
Porter Sq. Station: Existing Conditions
Porter Square Station is a place I pass through nearly every day and is the site I have decided to take on as my next design/illustration project....
See All Visualization Projects
Portfolio Volume 05
$35.00 Softcover
Volume 05 is my most recent portfolio and represents nearly three years of experimentation and exploration into what it means to visualize architecture. Four architectural projects are used as a base through which a series of illustrations are organized to tell the story of each design. Rich colors, diverse textures, strong compositional layouts, and contemporary typefaces are all brought together to form a unique modern architectural portfolio.