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Thesis Diagrams

Thesis Diagrams

  I grabbed some of my favorite diagrams developed for my thesis project from a few years back. They actually have been living in this site under the "about me" section, but you have to dig a little to get to them. I wanted to post them because they were really...

Cutting Out Objects: 7 Methods

Cutting Out Objects: 7 Methods

  Over the years, I have come across many ways to extract objects out of an image. I still use most of them mainly because each method responds to certain situations where other methods won't work. There are 7 techniques that will be explained but I'm sure there...

Landscape Tutorial Continued: Final Post Processing

Landscape Tutorial Continued: Final Post Processing

  I posted a landscape video tutorial a few weeks back, however the video did not cover some final post processing steps used for the final look. I received some comments asking for an explanation so I thought I would put something together quickly. The steps are...

Workflow Video: Landscape Via Photoshop

Workflow Video: Landscape Via Photoshop

  This video builds off of the post from last week explaining the workflow I used to add landscaping elements via Photoshop. There was a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time, so the video slows down at important stages of the process and speeds...

Importance of Landscape

Importance of Landscape

  I put this illustration together this morning in hopes of showing how crucial landscaping is to an architectural illustration. This is something that always seems to be overlooked by a lot of students, and something I didn't take seriously until grad school.  I...

Document Immediately

Document Immediately

  One thing I miss more than anything after finishing school was building physical models. As much as I enjoy rendering and illustrating, my favorite part of the design process was getting away from the screen and building study/presentation models. My thesis...

Tutorial: Quick Site Plans

Tutorial: Quick Site Plans

  With this tutorial, I wanted to show the workflow that I use to develop a clean looking architectural site plan. This tutorial, like many of my tutorials, doesn't use a rendering engine, only Sketchup image exports and Photoshop. Although I don't use a...

New York Trip

New York Trip

  I made a trip to New York this weekend hence no new tutorials. However, I thought I would fill the space with some photos I took while there. A few of the shots are HDR images.                 That last one is of the New...

HDR Architecture Illustration Tutorial

HDR Architecture Illustration Tutorial

  Ahhh, Finally decided to throw together a HDR tutorial. Its not as in-depth as some of my other tutes, but describes the overall process I use. I created a rendering just for this tutorial, one that I thought would work well for HDR processing with lots of...

3D Program Diagram

3D Program Diagram

  I've been putting together some program diagrams for work, and it reminded me of one that I created a year and a half ago in grad school. Experimenting with different arrangements and adjacencies of programmatic needs in Sketchup proved to be an effective tool...

Sun Rays Tutorial (Video)

Sun Rays Tutorial (Video)

  I received a lot of feedback and emails from people after posting the "Honduras Illustration part 2" asking for a tutorial on adding light rays. I put together this video explaining how this was done. You will will realize that there's not much to them and the...

Quick Tip: Adjusting The Verticals

Quick Tip: Adjusting The Verticals

  As I get more into photography,  I find more and more things that overlap into architecture illustrations. One thing that I never thought about in school when creating illustrations was the idea of avoiding converging vertical lines. Obviously, this isn't the...

Honduras Illustrations Part 2

Honduras Illustrations Part 2

  I realized that I never posted these images that I created a while back when I posted the Honduras Church illustrations. In this case, the design is relatively simple composed of 5 elements added to the untouched  shell of a house in Honduras. The space is...

Sketchup to Photoshop:  No Render Engine Required

Sketchup to Photoshop: No Render Engine Required

  As the title implies, this architecture illustration tutorial doesn't use a rendering engine. I have done a few other tutorials in the past that don't involve a rendering program, however this tutorial does things a little differently, and in less time. You...

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

  It has been way too long since I last made a post. I wrote something on this blog's Facebook page (join it if you havn't already HERE), but forgot to post something on the actual blog. I have been off preparing for a wedding, getting married, and taking care of...