Thesis Diagrams
I grabbed some of my favorite diagrams developed for my thesis project from a few years back. They actually have been living in this site under the "about me" section, but you have to dig a little to get to them. I wanted to post them because they were really...
Cutting Out Objects: 7 Methods
Over the years, I have come across many ways to extract objects out of an image. I still use most of them mainly because each method responds to certain situations where other methods won't work. There are 7 techniques that will be explained but I'm sure there...
Landscape Tutorial Continued: Final Post Processing
I posted a landscape video tutorial a few weeks back, however the video did not cover some final post processing steps used for the final look. I received some comments asking for an explanation so I thought I would put something together quickly. The steps are...
Workflow Video: Landscape Via Photoshop
This video builds off of the post from last week explaining the workflow I used to add landscaping elements via Photoshop. There was a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time, so the video slows down at important stages of the process and speeds...
Importance of Landscape
I put this illustration together this morning in hopes of showing how crucial landscaping is to an architectural illustration. This is something that always seems to be overlooked by a lot of students, and something I didn't take seriously until grad school. I...
Document Immediately
One thing I miss more than anything after finishing school was building physical models. As much as I enjoy rendering and illustrating, my favorite part of the design process was getting away from the screen and building study/presentation models. My thesis...
Tutorial: Quick Site Plans
With this tutorial, I wanted to show the workflow that I use to develop a clean looking architectural site plan. This tutorial, like many of my tutorials, doesn't use a rendering engine, only Sketchup image exports and Photoshop. Although I don't use a...
New York Trip
I made a trip to New York this weekend hence no new tutorials. However, I thought I would fill the space with some photos I took while there. A few of the shots are HDR images. That last one is of the New...
HDR Architecture Illustration Tutorial
Ahhh, Finally decided to throw together a HDR tutorial. Its not as in-depth as some of my other tutes, but describes the overall process I use. I created a rendering just for this tutorial, one that I thought would work well for HDR processing with lots of...
3D Program Diagram
I've been putting together some program diagrams for work, and it reminded me of one that I created a year and a half ago in grad school. Experimenting with different arrangements and adjacencies of programmatic needs in Sketchup proved to be an effective tool...
Sun Rays Tutorial (Video)
I received a lot of feedback and emails from people after posting the "Honduras Illustration part 2" asking for a tutorial on adding light rays. I put together this video explaining how this was done. You will will realize that there's not much to them and the...
Quick Tip: Adjusting The Verticals
As I get more into photography, I find more and more things that overlap into architecture illustrations. One thing that I never thought about in school when creating illustrations was the idea of avoiding converging vertical lines. Obviously, this isn't the...
Honduras Illustrations Part 2
I realized that I never posted these images that I created a while back when I posted the Honduras Church illustrations. In this case, the design is relatively simple composed of 5 elements added to the untouched shell of a house in Honduras. The space is...
Sketchup to Photoshop: No Render Engine Required
As the title implies, this architecture illustration tutorial doesn't use a rendering engine. I have done a few other tutorials in the past that don't involve a rendering program, however this tutorial does things a little differently, and in less time. You...
Coming Soon
It has been way too long since I last made a post. I wrote something on this blog's Facebook page (join it if you havn't already HERE), but forgot to post something on the actual blog. I have been off preparing for a wedding, getting married, and taking care of...