It was a little over a year ago that I started a visitor gallery tumblr page in an attempt to generate a another place on the internet for architecture visualization inspiration. It has been exciting to see so many unique styles and methods submitted week after week. I curate the gallery which means not every illustration submitted will get posted to the tumblr page. As a matter of fact, only about 1/3 of the images make it to the tumblr page. Total, there have been 260 illustrations posted since its inception.
I thought I would highlight some of my favorites in no particular order. These images were chosen for many different reasons: uniqueness, composition, color palette, style, technique and execution. Each of these illustrations combine those characteristics to create a mood and personality that draw in the viewer. Without knowing more about the projects, they are very engaging images on their own and a great source of inspiration.
Rayal Arnand Yelamarthi
PRPSFL Studio: Locis – Site sensitive train gantry design
Scott Tulay: Nests: Ink and graphite on illustration board.
RHINO, V-Ray, Photoshop, Exterior Perspective
Original photography collage recreated in Illustrator and Photoshop
Jeffrey Bermudez: Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture: City College of New York
Ali Mustafa: Channel Orange: Photoshop, Sketchup
Jose Alvarez: Samana, Dominican Republic: Topographical Analysis: ArcGIS, Illustrator, Photoshop
Caleb Lowery: Green Wall St.: Adobe Photoshop: Photoshop collage created while working for Terreform ONE
Graduate Health Care Studio: Metal Health and Wellness Clinic: Sketchup, Podium, Photoshop
Minh Duc Le: Broken Vision: Sketchup, Vray, Photoshop
V & A, London
Birds eye view: Site plan
I am looking forward to seeing what gets submitted next and how this gallery evolves. New images get posted every week, so be sure to check back often.
Been following your blog for a long time and have found your tutorials very helpful and inspirational. Thanks for including my work in your best-of!