Texas Prairie Office
A Texan Office Complex weaves through the prairie landscape concealing its massive scale while reinforcing the surrounding habitat. The landscape is a combination of natural prairie, wetlands, pastures, small hills and tree groupings.

Texas Prairie: Aerial Grass
This latest aerial image was probably my biggest undertaking up to this point in terms of difficulty of Photoshop. I struggled to get started on...
Texas Prairie: Glass
Illustrating glass is something I am constantly working on and studying. Glass is such a complex material in the sense that it can be highly...
Texas Prairie: Abstractions
Every now and then, I need to switch things up. Sometimes this means not thinking too much about what the end result will be and just seeing where...
Texas Prairie: Detail Elevation
This has been an image that I started a while back and abandoned and then picked back up again. I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it because of...
Texas Prairie: Color Grading
I don’t often discuss in detail how I tone images because the process ranges so much from image to image. Daytime images use different techniques...
Texas Prairie Aerial
This was one of my more ambitious undertakings and an image I almost didn’t do. I had a lot of things going against me that made me second guess...
Texas Office Elevation
I created this illustration to tease out a few details with this project that I wasn't too sure about. For one, I had this idea of the meadow and...
Big Office on the Prairie
As much as I love working on the Porter Sq Station redesign, I needed to change things up a bit so I started designing my next personal render...
See All Visualization Projects
Portfolio Volume 05
$35.00 Softcover
Volume 05 is my most recent portfolio and represents nearly three years of experimentation and exploration into what it means to visualize architecture. Four architectural projects are used as a base through which a series of illustrations are organized to tell the story of each design. Rich colors, diverse textures, strong compositional layouts, and contemporary typefaces are all brought together to form a unique modern architectural portfolio.