Crossroads Pavilion
Sited in rural Deshler, Ohio, this project studies how a simple intervention could revitalize a quiet town through capitalizing on an increasingly popular activity–trainspotting

Train Pavilion Aerial
There are still some areas of Portfolio Vol. 4 that are missing information. One image that I just finished creating is an aerial of the train...
Train Pavilion Spreads
As I near the end of this project, I have started to compile all of the imagery into portfolio spreads. This is the first pass at organizing...
Train Pavilion Interior Study
I have been experimenting with some interior illustrations and wanted to post a breakdown of this image. Determining the view for this shot...
Floor Plan Study
This week, I have begun piecing together the floor plans of the Train Pavilion Project. When it comes to visualizing floor plans, I have...
Train Pavilion Diagrams
I have been playing around with some diagrams for the recent train pavilion design. The architecture diagrams that I create on this site have ranged...
6 Tips for a Perfect Sky
I can't believe that I have not written a post about skies yet on this blog. In most cases, a sky can make or break an architecture illustration....
V-Ray Settings Overview
A lot of you have been asking for V-Ray settings and so I am going to spend a little time going over the settings that I used to create the base...
Back to Business: Main Street Perspective
It's been a while, but I am finally back. I have spent the last several months traveling, giving workshops, settling into a new home, and spending...
Exploded Axon Part 2
As you have probably noticed, I have not been posting as often as I normally do. Things have been very busy lately, in a good way....
No-Render Quick Collage
I was in need of some purely right brain thinking so I decided to skip modeling and V-Ray altogether and see what I could turn out with a half baked...
New Project: Train Pavillion
The last few weeks have been spent designing a new project that will allow me to experiment with some new rendering styles that I have in mind. The...
See All Visualization Projects
Portfolio Volume 05
$35.00 Softcover
Volume 05 is my most recent portfolio and represents nearly three years of experimentation and exploration into what it means to visualize architecture. Four architectural projects are used as a base through which a series of illustrations are organized to tell the story of each design. Rich colors, diverse textures, strong compositional layouts, and contemporary typefaces are all brought together to form a unique modern architectural portfolio.