I woke up this morning with an idea for a rendering using the villa I designed back in undergrad (same one used in the sketches post). I also wanted to use this time to experiment with some different lighting conditions. Primarily, how to get the back lit louvers to illustrate properly as well as created depth through the use of fog. This was the first pass, although the louvers still could use some work. I may try a different technique later. As always, I spent most of my time in Photoshop. The initial rendering from Kerkythea was rough and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get the look I was going for. However, once I started to insert the surrounding environment, things came together quickly which is typically the case. Below are shots of the SU model and Kerkythea rendering.



Sketchup Linework





Kerkythea Rendering





The illustration before most of the landscaping elements were added.





The final illustration