The 45th Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition (KRob) has long been one of my favorite architecture visualization competitions. I’m always blown away by the uniqueness and quality of work and how each year seems to draw out more imaginative and compelling styles. KRob has consistently been a place of inspiration for my own work partly because of how the images have such a human quality to them. I was lucking enough to be a juror several years back and remember how difficult it was narrowing down the finalist due to the depth and quality of so many pieces.
Please consider submitting some of your own unique work to continue to push the creative boundaries of this competition and the creative boundaries of visualization in general. And if you are not submitting work, at the very least, look through the past winners for some great inspiration.
Students and professionals may submit entries in a number of categories including Digital/Hybrid Media, Hand Delineation, Physical Delineation, Travel Sketch, and an all new ANIMATION category. All entries must be received by Thursday, October 31st, 2019 at 5:00pm CST
Visit for more information.

Hi Alex great content you have here… keep posting more of these articles.
Krob looks great. Isn’t it?
Information about the KRob 2019 Competition you share very well. I am quite impressed with this competition.
Information about the KRob 2019 Competition you share very well. I am quite impressed with this competition.
Information about the KRob 2019 Competition you share very well. I am quite impressed with this competition.
Excellent post. Keep writing. Any rounded with applause for the post. Cheers Again. Actually Cool. Quite useful content posts. Will understand.
Great. Looking forward for this comptition.
Nice info about krob comptition. I will submit my work for next krob. Looks challenging. Thanks for informing.
nice post… Thank you for the content…