The 2011 Krob competition winners have been announced and can be seen at I found out about this competition a few years ago and have been visiting the site off and on ever since. The competition encourages unique styles of architectural representation both by hand and digital means. I especially appreciate the hand rendered illustrations and the skill some of these people have. I really miss doing hand rendered presentations like when I was in undergrad and it almost makes me want to take a break from the laptop and get out the graphite again. Almost.




I did some digging and found some of my old architecture drawings. I was reluctant to go digital early on in undergrad, so a lot of my presentations were completely hand rendered. I didn’t start using Photoshop until about my third year of architecture school. The images below are examples of some studies and presentation work from both undergrad and graduate school. The last image was a collage made up of photographs and hand drawings done in my first semester of grad school. Be sure to check out the KRob winners when you have time.










