Portfolio Volume 05
$35.00 Softcover
Volume 05 is my most recent portfolio and represents nearly three years of experimentation and exploration into what it means to visualize architecture. Four architectural projects are used as a base through which a series of illustrations are organized to tell the story of each design. Rich colors, diverse textures, strong compositional layouts, and contemporary typefaces are all brought together to form a unique modern architectural portfolio.

Portfolio Volume 04
$25.00 Softcover
An 8.5″x 11″ architecture portfolio exploring architectural graphic representation. Each of the four projects are designed across a spectrum of conditions; from urban to rural settings and landscapes to buildings. Each of the investigations are intended to act as a framework to test out new graphic ideas and styles
Portfolio Volume 03
No Longer Available
Volume 03 was the portfolio I produced out of graduate school to help me find my first job. While it is no longer available to purchase, I still reference this book in many of my earlier portfolio tutorials